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Writer's pictureSuyash Pachauri

Apeksha Porwal Gets Candid About Her Fitness Journey And We Are All Ears! - lobally Bollywood

Apeksha Porwal Gets Candid About Her Fitness Journey And We Are All Ears!

Undekhi actress Apeksha Porwal has been recently making waves internationally with her Arabic series Slave Market. She is the first Indian lead in an Arabic show, and she is definitely making us Indians proud. One thing that we couldn't take our eyes off from was her well tones body and here's how she achieves it.

When asked about her fitness regime, how she stays so fit, Apeksha answered, “ I am very regular with my workouts and try to stick to my regime even while travelling. I turned vegan two years ago and do maintain a vegan diet unless I’m shooting in extremely remote locations where it’s not possible. It’s actually helped enhance my workouts and general strength and energy levels contrary to popular belief. I also started training in martial arts and am enjoying exploring kickboxing and nunchucks. Working out and staying fit is something I actually thoroughly enjoy, not just for my physical but also my mental health.”

Recently the actress shared her workout videos on her social media handle captioned,

“Work in progress 🛠


#throwback to week one of #MMA @kamli_gurung 🤍

This talented actress will be seen in the next season of Slave Market and other than that has some exciting webseries and other projects lined up in 2023.

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